PCPA offers week-long summer camps that teach young actors how to find the “play” in the “play.”

Highly interactive and fun, the camps give young actors ages eight to 18 the chance to exercise connection and curiosity through theatre games, improvisation, movement, dance, and music.  Students explore the basics of on-stage interaction, learn a group song and choreography, use their bodies and voices expressively, and develop dynamic imagination.

Young actors work directly with current PCPA performers, and no experience is required. All camps culminate in an invited sharing on the final day of the camp.

There are three Summer Youth Theatre Camp sessions to choose from:

  • Ages 8-12, Monday-Saturday June 19-24, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, $250 per camper.
  • Ages 13-18, Monday-Saturday June 26-July 1, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, $250 per camper.
  • Teatro PCPA, Ages 8-12 (must have a strong understanding of Spanish), Monday-Saturday, July 24-29, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., $30 per camper.

By SLO Review

SLO Review, San Luis Obispo County's connection to arts and culture, publishes news, reviews, commentary, and original creative work.