
SLO Review, San Luis Obispo County’s link to arts and culture, publishes feature articles covering creative areas of interest, reviews of local productions and exhibits, commentary on creative expression, and opportunities for everyone to explore their personal relationship with the arts.

Email information about arts and cultural events to SLO Review.

If you’d like to write for SLO Review, review our Contributor Guidelines or contact Charlotte Alexander.


Subscriptions to SLO Review‘s weekly email newsletter are free, with Premium Subscriptions available for a $5/month or $50/year donation. Premium Subscribers and Sponsors are recognized in our newsletter and on our website, and receive special notices and opportunities in addition to our weekly email newsletters.


SLO Review is sponsored by Ecologistics, a 501(c)3 that develops, conducts, and fiscally sponsors programs and projects that provide information, encourage collaboration, generate conversation, inspire action, and engage the community. This makes it possible for SLO Review to accept tax-deductible donations.

Who We Are

Publisher: Charlotte Alexander

Advisory Board: Charles Alexander, Deborah Bayles, Cindy Blankenburg, Cathy Boggs, Doug Bouman, Toni Bouman, Karen Gray, Lisa Guy, Andrea Heinlein, Terry Heinlein, Julie Lynem, Kathy O’Brien, Kate Stulberg. In Memory: Sandy Baer (1949-2023); King Harris (1946-2022)


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Our Mission and Vision

Our vision is to be an eloquent, innovative, and fertile nexus for the diverse members of the San Luis Obispo County, California, community to engage, discuss, and promote the arts. Our mission:

  • To cultivate support for the visual, literary, and performing arts in San Luis Obispo County.
  • To showcase the impact of the arts, cultural experiences, and authentic creative expression on the community.
  • To create an online space accessible to all for meaningful discussion, education, and commentary about the arts.
  • To communicate opportunities for artists, writers, performers, and students to explore and articulate their personal artistic expressions.

At SLO Review, we believe that when people feel respected and included they can be more creative, innovative, and successful. And whether related to accessibility, gender, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation, it’s important to find intentional ways to grow in our understanding and support of others.