
What We Do

  • SLO Review publishes news, reviews, commentary, and original creative work.
  • We offer free access to our content and free email updates to subscribers, but we rely on Premium Subscribers, tax-deductible donations, and grants for support.
  • Email information, news, press releases, or story ideas you’d like to share with our community to SLO Review.

What You Can Do

Who We Are

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, SLO Review is a literary showcase for the creative work and experiences of the diverse communities of San Luis Obispo County, California.

Board of Directors
Charles H. Alexander
Charlotte Alexander
Toni Pruett Bouman

Charlotte Alexander, Publisher
Doug Bouman, Director of Operations
Charles H. Alexander, Creative Director

Advisory Board
Deborah Bayles
Cindy Blankenburg
Cathy Boggs
Karen Gray
Lisa Guy
Andrea Heinlein
Terry Heinlein
Julie Lynem
Kathy O’Brien
Kate Stulberg
In Memory:
Sandy Baer (1949-2023)
King Harris (1946-2022)

At SLO Review, we believe that when people feel respected and included they can be more creative, innovative, and successful. And whether related to accessibility, gender, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation, it’s important to find intentional ways to grow in our understanding and support of others.