With a “fresh new take” on the beloved tale of a young woman who is transformed from a chambermaid into a princess, Wine Country Theatre presents Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella, combining the story’s classic elements—glass slippers, a pumpkin, and a beautiful ball—with some surprising twists.

This hilarious and romantic production features Cinderella as a contemporary figure living in a fairytale setting. She is more than just a pretty face with the right shoe size—she is a spirited young woman with savvy and soul who doesn’t let her rags or her gowns trip her up in her quest for kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. When Cinderella meets a dragon-slaying young prince who is just assuming control of his government, she helps spark transformation and empower the disenfranchised in their kingdom.

“Through her journey, we aim to transform apathy into sympathy, and inspire our audience,” according to director Jacob Shearer. “I look forward to the magic we will create together on the Park Ballroom stage. It’s a huge undertaking, a collaborative journey involving community members of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.”

The production features a cast of 40 and a volunteer crew of 20, including Grace Anthony in the title role, Jon Estes as the Prince, and Veronica Surber as the Fairy Godmother. Musical director is Thomas Grandoli.

Cinderella runs August 16 to September 1 in the Park Ballroom in Paso Robles.

By SLO Review

SLO Review, San Luis Obispo County's connection to arts and culture, publishes news, reviews, commentary, and original creative work.