Photo by Darius Bashar

I pledge allegiance to the person
you believe yourself to be
and to the one you see
yourself becoming—
that kaleidoscope of possibility.

One world, many nations,
identities, beliefs, and ways
of living, every single soul
existing in a universe
that craves connection.

The light in me bows
to that same light in you,
each of us here together
in this space and time,
life undivided, liberty to all.

Our common hopes—
to live in peace,
essential needs satisfied,
with the means to live fully
the person we came here to be.

With my whole heart, I want to exist
where acceptance reigns,
where our priority is to be kind
to one another, hands extended
in offering, remembering

how very much we are the same.

            —Previously published in Braided Way (2024)

By Carolyn Chilton Casas

Carolyn Chilton Casas has lived on the Central Coast for 55 years, the perfect landscape for a love of hiking and playing beach volleyball. She is a practicing Reiki master and teacher who often explores ways of healing in the articles she writes for energy and wellness magazines in several countries. Her poetry has been published in numerous journals and anthologies including “The Wonder of Small Things: Poems of Peace and Renewal” and “Thin Places & Sacred Spaces.” More of her work can be found on Facebook or Instagram and in her second collection of poetry, “Under the Same Sky.”