Photos by Sonya Jackson

Chef-wars, singing nuns, “Miss Moonstone & Her Beaches,” and much, much more await you at The 2024 Follies: Cambria Night Live, part of Pinedorado Days, the annual celebration of Cambria’s historic beginnings presented by the Cambria Lions Club.

The mind behind the locally written theatrical spoof on Cambria and Cambrians is Cambria’s own Randy Schwalbe, but this time the producer shares the creative load with some of the cast. They have written and directed skits based on the Saturday Night Live TV show, complete with commercial breaks. Each skit pokes fun at Cambria’s issues, concerns, and mindset.

On opening night at the Vet’s Hall on Cambria’s Main Street, a video presentation humorously introduced the cast of players, then jumped right into the ending with the cast turning to the audience and shouting “It’s Cambria Night Live!”

Shortly thereafter, the evening’s host, well-known man around town Aaron Linn, appeared. The first commercial was live with dancers/singers doing a great job. Creek End Update, obviously a play on SNL’s Weekend Update, was a news show written by cast member spouses Tim and Diana Linzey and dedicated to Cambrian concerns and news.

Near the end of act one, “Miss Moonstone & Her Beaches” do a parody cover of the Cyndi Lauper song “Time After Time.” “Dime After Dime” is a love song to Cambria calling out the financial difficulties of living in the unique Central Coast village. With lyrics like “move here with your own money” and “it’ll cost you, dime after dime.” It’s so funny because it’s so true.

Act two treats us to a look inside the chef-wars that go on in the North Coast restaurants, a Gong Show rip-off with a chorus of singing nuns, an alien encounter of a Cambrian kind, a singing zebra, and this writer’s favorite scene: the Cambria Animal Alliance for Wellness Support (or CAAWS), written and directed by cast member Cika Cook. Cambrian wildlife, including a deer, an otter, a skunk, a termite and a gourmet-trash-eating raccoon, have gathered in a support group to discuss the difficulties the animals face around the village.

The show’s cast also includes Laurie Gardner, Mark Harrington, Aaron Jackson, Lily Null, Lorienne Schwenk, and Robin Wieland. Dance choreographer is Deb Glasgow, and assistant director and co-producer Renee Linn also designed the costumes. One gifted and busy woman, Linn does a little of everything, all while running award-winning Linn’s Restaurant.

When you make your reservations for this show, ask for the “Angel Level Seating Section.” For quite a few dollars more, you’ll get front row seats with a small table, set with a personally packaged appetizer box courtesy of Linn’s Restaurant including savory gourmet deli meats and cheeses, ripe berries, roasted mixed nuts, a scrumptious chocolate brownie bite, and your choice of a bottle of wine. Our group went with the Stolo Vineyard’s Cuvee, which did not disappoint.

Arrive early—not only is it general seating (except for the aforementioned Angel Seats) but the play actually has a pre-show of sorts to warm-up the audience. Local Cambrian Rick Bruce (known around town as the Village Wizard) entertains and amuses the early crowd with poetry, magic, and humor.

It’s hard not to tell more, but that would give away all the jokes. You need to experience the Follies for yourself. This cast delivers playful puns and clever humor while the material allows us all a chance to laugh at ourselves and this special region of paradise.

Cambria Night Live continues its run Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 30, 31, and September 1. Buy tickets at the door, at the Cambria Chamber of Commerce, or online in advance (recommended).

Go See a Show!

:: Sonya Jackson